Did anyone watch the Academy Awards last night? I got a late start but saw most of it. I found one instance very disturbing. Toward the end of the night a man and woman won an award for maybe sound editing or something. The man took the microphone first and talked and thanked everyone. The woman obviously wanted a chance to talk also but he just kept on and on and then by the time he stepped away and she opened her mouth they had turned off the microphone. I find this so rude. If I knew who the man was I might even write him a letter. How about being a gentleman and letting the woman go first - or since you are splitting the award why not split the 60 seconds you both have to talk. Ug. It seems like I see more and more of this happening. Not long ago I was at the grocery store and an old woman and a much younger man were in front of me. She was slow at getting all of her coupons and payment together and he was very exasperated. When they were done he left her to push the big cart from the store to their car. I'm sure that this was his mother and it took everything I had not to go up and say something to him. Where are manners in today's world? Ok, so I'm pulling a Wanda but I get really disgusted when people don't think of others.