"We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon."

"We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon."

Monday, March 06, 2006


Did anyone watch the Academy Awards last night? I got a late start but saw most of it. I found one instance very disturbing. Toward the end of the night a man and woman won an award for maybe sound editing or something. The man took the microphone first and talked and thanked everyone. The woman obviously wanted a chance to talk also but he just kept on and on and then by the time he stepped away and she opened her mouth they had turned off the microphone. I find this so rude. If I knew who the man was I might even write him a letter. How about being a gentleman and letting the woman go first - or since you are splitting the award why not split the 60 seconds you both have to talk. Ug. It seems like I see more and more of this happening. Not long ago I was at the grocery store and an old woman and a much younger man were in front of me. She was slow at getting all of her coupons and payment together and he was very exasperated. When they were done he left her to push the big cart from the store to their car. I'm sure that this was his mother and it took everything I had not to go up and say something to him. Where are manners in today's world? Ok, so I'm pulling a Wanda but I get really disgusted when people don't think of others.


Anonymous said...

rude, you of all people would call someone rude? Like most women, the woman at the oscars had nothing important to say any way, and most of the real world understands this. and the old woman at the counter had probably wrecked countless loving relationships in the past for him with her hateful judgemental comments. Now all either one has left is their love, because their patients have worn thin.

Jocelyne said...


Jocelyne said...

And what does that mean? Me of all people would call someone rude? Are you saying that I'm rude? You are rude.

Jocelyne said...
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Bocephus said...

Fight! Fight!
Honey, dont let those mean people push you around. I agree with you a hundred percent. It was prob. one of those liberal movie stars from the "academy of dunces" as my old pal Michael the Savage calls them in chapter 5 of The Enemy Within.
Hang in there.
love ya dad

Jocelyne said...

Hmmmmph, i don't know dad, something is fishy. Your fingerprints are ALL over this first comment. I'm going to do some more sleuthing but you are my numero uno suspect.

Anonymous said...

What is up with all of these women acting like they are as good as men? That man had every right to talk and she should have just stood there like a good little girl, and been thankful she even got an award.

Anonymous said...

okay joce I'm the guilty party on the first anonymous. Your dad had nothing to do with it. Iknew I could ruffle your feathers. just because thats the way we are. the comments in the first are strictly for fun. the second anonymous comment is not me, But you are right as we both know, I am rude.enjoyed the game luv uncle alan.

Jocelyne said...

Blindsided! Ok, I was just having fun, too and I let you slip off my radar Alan. I guess I thought our relationship had transcended this pettiness but I see that the war is back on.....

Jocelyne said...

ps - white legs I am on to you too

Mason said...

What do you mean you are on to me, what have I done to you? You need to reorganize your priorities and stop blaming stuff on me. This really makes me mad to no end.