"We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon."

"We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon."

Saturday, July 15, 2006

This is Texas

I'll leave tomorrow for Albuquerque, NM. It's just a 4 hour drive but I'm putting it off until the last minute. I've been having the best time in Texas and I hate to leave my family and friends but it will be nice to get back on a schedule and I do need to start making some money again. Wednesday I went with my dad to the town I grew up in. He works there and my grandparents and other family still live there. I got to catch up with my grandma and that's always nice because we are very close and I miss her so much when I'm away. Plus, she knows the good gossip. Thursday my sister came to Amarillo and the whole family went to barbeque hamburgers at our favorite park. Friday my parents and I went for a 5 mile walk at my old walking trail. I'd forgotten how hot and sans any shade or relief it is. And man, they are in good shape - I stayed about a step behind them the whole way. We also went to an art gallery and viewed some local art which was surprisingly awesome - I say surprisingly because I wasn't aware that Amarillo had so many working artists. Friday evening my good friend Penny and my best friend Sierra came to visit. We got a hotel room and drank a few beers - ate a 2am breakfast at IHOP and talked all night. Today my dad and I went and hit a couple of buckets of golf balls and I'm about 5 shades of red. Now, I'm just waiting for my little brother to get off of work and I'm going to make him spend some time with me. I really have missed Texas. You know the song "the stars at night are big and bright deep in the heart of Texas"? It's really true and I'm not sure why the sky is so big or the stars so bright but it is unparelled anywhere I've been so far. I could just sit out all night long and star gaze.

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